Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Open Air Service (2)

Planning for next Sunday is advanced - I have just seen the service sheet! For seven churches to organize gathered worship requires time and patience!

As I have been working on the text for next Sunday, 2 Cor. 5: 14-20, I am focussing on a main impact:
By the grace of God what this sermon will say is: Christ's love is the greatest motivating force in the world, creating us as "new creation" and commissioning us as ambassadors of reconciliation.
And what this sermon will do is: Challenge us to believe more fully in Christ's love and to act for him by behavior and witness.

I am aware that these Elmhurst churches are already practically involved together. For example, on October 8 they are joining to pack food for "Feed My Starving Children." I am sure there are other initiatives too. Any examples of practical ways by which these churches can express Christ's love and witness together will be gratefully received.

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