Monday, March 30, 2015

The Joined-Up Preacher

This week I am back in Chicago to help the next phase of the Lilly preaching project for which I have responsibility. (I have posted on this before!) Two conferences have been planned in April as pre-launch events, the second one focusing on preparing facilitators for the peer-learning groups that will be formed in October after the major launch forum.

I have eight sessions to address at this conference which will (hopefully) build up the vision for the New Kind of Preacher/Leader that lies at the project's heart.  Already, along the way, I have become convinced about the need to use the hybrid term 'preacher/leader' that I popularized (or at least tried to) in my book 360degree leadership (2006).  Frankly, without combining leading with preaching I think the big vision we have of preachers building missional communities is doomed to failure!

At the same time I have begun writing a work-book which will provide a resource for the peer learning groups.   It has proved more complicated than I first imagined.  So many aspects that I  seek to bring together in the preaching/leading ministry will push boundaries into worshiping, collaborating, community building and living as missionaries in the twenty-first century. One key advantage I have is that I can rely on others collaborating with me in fleshing out the vision, and co-editing the work book.   My workbook's working title is: The Joined-Up Preacher.  We talk about joined up writing....well, this is joined up preaching/leading.  I look forward to keeping you in touch as the project unfolds further.

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