Friday, January 18, 2019

9 out of 10 people who are referred are not diagnosed with cancer.

That's the statistic in the blurb from the Lung Rapid Access Investigation Service.  Going into yesterday's session with a delightful consultant we had high hopes that I was in the 9!  His cross-examination of my ill health saga so far was capped off by seeing my chest X ray.  I don't remember the medical profession being so open with details in my past.  However, I was shown an extraordinary sight of my abdomen cavity with a quarter blanked out by something white. This is what concerns us he said, pointing out the shape of my left lung.

Then I was introduced to my lung cancer specialist carer who took me to his room for further breathing tests.  He too is delightful and explained how hard he had worked to get me into the next stage of examination - the CT scan with dye.  Alas, one of the scanners has broken down but I am due for the last scan this afternoon (Friday).  We went round to scout out where the CT scan unit is and are all set up for our visit at 4:30 pm.

We have valued your prayers and concerns immensely and, as you can imagine, remain grateful as we go through this next stage and have to wait for results until after the weekend.  It is somewhat disconcerting to remember how 7 years ago awaiting biopsy results I was told by every doctor I met that the likelihood of cancer was they shared in the shock when results showed I had aggressive prostate cancer requiring radical surgery.  We are trusting for a good outcome this time!

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