Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Chocolate biscuits!

In our self-isolation, the daughter of one of our church friends very kindly offered to do any shopping for us at our local Aldi.  To my utter astonishment Carol begged her to get a packet of chocolate biscuits and some sugar.  Of all the things we need!  What a parody of life's essentials - you would think bread and milk would be a higher priority.  Unsurprisingly, I questioned her judgment.

Well, someone else has ensured we have bread and milk as she explained why these two items were vital.  Our temperamental boiler failed a few days ago leaving the house cold with no warm water. Normally it responds to a reboot and adjustment of water pressure. However, I realized with dismay that the whole system had closed down. At first I thought it would be a socket fuse.  But after fitting a new one the boiler only fired up for 5 seconds before dying again.

Several hours later our heating engineer arrived with his mate and, after tea (with sugar) and chocolate biscuits, diagnosed a fault in the motherboard.  He promised to try for a replacement and if successful would return as soon as possible.  So, this explained Carol's desperate need.

Happily I can report that the two engineers returned successfully and sustained by more tea and biscuits they fitted a new motherboard. The gas ignited with a welcome roar as the boiler came to life and brought smiles all round.  Carol has always been keen on hospitality....but this rather takes the biscuit (especially since she can't eat them)!

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