Monday, March 29, 2010

Evaluating Worship Outcomes (2)

I'm still reflecting on identifying signs that indicate God’s work in the hearts and lives of a community, evidence that worship is effective. In one of my classes, I invited some brain-storming on ways by which we might evaluate wider worship outcomes, and we came up with a list of other signs:
  • The level of participation of people within gathered worship – visible contributions of voices and bodies.
  • The list of things the church prays for week by week.
  • The percentage of the church budget that is given away to others in need.
  • The proportion of the congregation that is committed to meet in small groups during the week.
  • The number of secular community organizations that members are involved with , especially community care agencies.
  • Awareness of such community work within the fellowship.
  • The amount of hospitality given by members to each other in an average week
  • The amount of hospitality given to unchurched friends.
  • Willingness to speak the truth in love and maturity of relationships.

I know some of these are difficult to quantify but do you think they reveal something about authentic worship?


Anonymous said...

I've often thought that the Isaiah text where Isaiah captures a heavenly view of the celestial scene and is so moved that he (1) recognizes his own human condition and then (2) is moved to live life beyond himself and to embrace the world in need. Real worship gives us such a sense of God that we are forced to look inward and then after being recipients of God's grace, we are moved into a world of need to expression grace, compassion and love.

Brian Maag said...

I have been finding that one of the most difficult things about leading worship (either musically or liturgically) is getting a pulse on how people's worship is going at the moment. I try to gauge this so I know how to run with the energy of the service. So it's nice to get a sense on the other ways to perceive "effectiveness".
Brian M.