Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

I greet you on this most wonderful day with the best news. Jesus Christ is risen! Alleluia. This morning I asked the congregation to shout out their Alleluias because the tomb was empty that first Easter morning. What the women worried about: "Who will roll away the stone from the entrance of the tomb?"...for it was a very large stone (Mark 16: 3,4) is gloriously answered by the gaping hole of resurrection life. What they thought of as an impossible barrier is gone...gone.

I was able to preach about barriers that may seem to make it impossible for some to say Alleluia, like Doubt, Grief and Fear, and Effort. But, when the women find the stone rolled back they discover that God has acted. It is true: Jesus is the Resurrectin and the Life"(John 11:25)

Someone sent me a link to the Youtube video of the Easter Resurrection Dance from Budapest, Hungary which took place last year. 1300 young people are choreographed in extravagant wonder and praise in one of the main squares in Budapest. It's inspirational, catching the joy and boldness of this day, which changes the future of the world. I have been so grateful to help lead worship these last three days but the best part is continuing to know Jesus' resurrection power (Phil. 3:10)for the days ahead. Let's go, Easter people.

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