Thursday, March 17, 2016

Blown over

Lightening the tone I have to report another surprising mishap as a follow-up to my earlier disintegrating chair incident.

The wind squalls these last couple of days have been ferocious. Many people have been filmed attempting to open doors against the wind or bending double against its force or worse.... I set out to mail a package at the local post office. Crossing the campus, buffeted yet safe, I walked around the hotel that borders seminary property.  In its lee I was sheltered as only minor gusts disturbed me alongside one side of the hotel.  However I was totally unprepared for turning the corner.  Stepping out from the protection I was caught in a wind tunnel as violent winds channeled along the front of the building. Suddenly, in spite of my bulk!, I was off my feet, blown out of control, falling flat on my face off the sidewalk into the road. Helplessly, with the postal package in my right hand I made an excruciating landing on my left hand.  Such was its suddenness that I lay there in shock for a few seconds.  The wind raged about me threatening to bundle me up and blow me across the parking lot.  Struggling to regain my feet was extraordinarily difficult.
Nursing my wrist that felt broken (though a few hours later it seems just a strain) I stumbled on, determined to reach my goal.  Arriving at 3:10pm well after the posted lunch break of 12:30-2:00 pm I saw a small knot of angry people grouped around a handwritten notice that the office was closed until 3:40 pm.  So, all-in-all not a great success.  To do her credit Carol first expressed sympathy before peals of laughter about my chair disaster followed by being blown over.  Who would have believed it?


Unknown said...

Oh dear Michael! It reminds us of the old hymn 'Oh wind of God come bend us, break us'.... Glad you were only bent! Lesley & Mick

Unknown said...

Oh dear Michael! It reminds us of the old hymn 'Oh wind of God come bend us, break us'.... Glad you were only bent! Lesley & Mick