Saturday, October 15, 2022

Memories stirred

I need to spare you any more oral history...a further 6 pages worth. But one of those formation places I mentioned came roaring back recently. Arbury Rd. Baptist Church, where my father went to be minister when I was sixteen, invited me to preach at its Harvest Festival Service two Sundays ago. 

Yesterday, I had lunch with some friends, all of whom grew up in churches. We commented how as young people we were expected to do stuff!  Practically and spiritually. That was true at Arbury. Back in 1961 the church buildings were set back behind a large lawn. I recalled that lawn....and the choir, children's work, manual work, organizing events, taking services. In the service I mentioned mowing that lawn with a manual mower!  Others did help on a rota - but phew! I also looked up at the choir loft where I was one of three basses with mandated (much needed)weekly choir practice.  And yes, Sunday School teaching, helping the summer children's holiday club. Strangely, one summer I was given main responsibility for organizing a church family afternoon on school fields nearby. I liaised with the school, planned games for all ages, with prizes, competitions, an ice cream vendor, and hand made publicity.  The leaders took a risk! Unsurprisingly, I remember great friends within the young group and the wider church. 

And, some of them are still there, 60 years on. Still working practically and spiritually.  I think that lunch conversation got it right.  We were really expected to do stuff.  And it did us a lot of good, laying foundations for lifetime. 


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