Sunday, September 24, 2023

Reflection 3)


      Vital though it is to look back, it is not enough. For remembering at communion is not just a personal moment - though it has to be that.  Jesus rose from the dead, He is alive with us. Not just for me but for us.  The second direction is:

2   LOOK AROUND    Some churches leave a central chair behind the table empty as a symbol that Jesus is here in Spirit. And he is here with his people, a new people, a family of brothers and sisters, living and loving differently because of his life and love.   Communion is seriously personal but it is also seriously corporate. Who we are together really matters.  Jesus says when you come to the altar if you remember a brother has something against you, first go and be reconciled. Matt 5:23  In 1 Cor 11, with the words of institution for use in the church it says you need to examine yourself whether you have sinned against the body of the Lord….his body is the church.  How we are together really matters.  In our tradition we take the bread in a personal relationship, but when the cup comes around we drink together in a corporate relationship.  We are bound together by the death, rising, new life giving Lord like no other community. 

Some liturgical traditions as they prepare for holy communion, or eucharist ,have their prayers of penitence and then the minister says words like this: We are the body of Christ, In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body Let us then pursue all that makes for peace and build up our common life. Then come the words The peace of the Lord be always with you.  And the people say: And also with you.  And then the minister says: Let us offer one another a sign of peace.  Many of you will have shared in services with these words.  Once or twice when visiting churches the person sitting next to me has muttered Peace be with you without even looking at me. And when the service is over they rush off without a glance.

Let's offer one another a sign of peace. Look the people around you in the eye.  We are in this together and it is a big deal. We are the body of Christ.  (We then broke into sharing the peace - stopping the interactions took leadership from the worship leader!)  I still had one section of the reflection left.



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