It’s vital that this faith commitment is not just some
inside thing, but we say it out loud. At
believers' baptism, where we stand is made clearly and boldly. And whenever we are together it matters to say it out loud, because you never know how much
someone needs to hear you. One of the
earliest ways that Christians spoke about Jesus was wonderfully simple but so
big: JESUS IS LORD. They said it to each
other as their basic affirmation truth, and for them it was dangerous. Because, contemporary with Paul’s writing, Nero was
Roman emperor and his people were meant to say 'Lord Nero'. Much archaeological evidence has come to light of
inscriptions: 'Nero is Lord'. One even reads: 'Nero, Lord of the entire world'. To say
this was overreach is a massive understatement but when Jesus is risen it's no overreach. His kingdom embraces everything - Alpha and Omega.
The thing about lords is that everyone has lords of one kind or another. Your particular Lord is what you concentrate on, what matters more than anything else in your life. Some people make Money, Pleasure, Success, Fitness and Health all important motivations in their lives. But there are many other lords which sometimes sound eminently reasonable - Friendship, Family, even Local Church – where we can put all our effort. So often it's what we have chosen. The humbling revolution involved in confessing the risen Jesus requires voluntary submission to his lordship. What he chooses! So that seeking and obeying his will and purpose overarches everything else about our lives.
In an earlier post I mentioned how I had contributed a quote for our recent church Easter installation. It was from a missionary hero of mine, E. Stanley Jones whose encounter with Jesus overwhelmed him with gratitude. He often wrote quotable quotes! About the words Jesus is Lord he wrote: The most narrow, divisive, all claiming words that ever fell upon human ears. To say these words truly focuses attention like nothing else, and the moment you let him be Lord, everything changes for the better. Life begins to add up as making spiritual sense. For then we have found who holds life together and gives it meaning and purpose. Life find’s its Lord,
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