Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Vacation Praying

Some while ago I purchased Preces Privatae (Private Prayers) in a used book shop. Written by Bishop Lancelot Andrewes as his personal prayerbook, it was not published until after his death in 1626. On vacation I have had some space to pray some of these. Today's choice is particularly powerful.

Two things I recognize in myself, Lord:
I am made in your image;
I have defaced that likeness.
I admit to my fault,
But remember Lord,
by myself I cannot do much about it.
Take from me what I have spoiled
leave in me what you have made.
Don't allow my stupidity and wickedness
to destroy what your goodness has redeemed.
Acknowledge in me what is yours;
take from me the sin that is mine.
I come to you, the Almighty.
I come to you, the Physician.
Where I am blind, show me the way.
Where I am sick in mind, heal me.
Where I am in the strangehold of habit, release

To recognize these two aspects of ourselves goes to the core of spirituality, doesn't it?


Wade Allen said...

I took the time to pray this prayer today. What a powerful confession. Thanks Michael.

Dennis said...

Thanks Michael. What a great prayer! I've added it to my prayer journal. If you find others with this degree of power and beauty, I do hope you post them as well. Enjoy your break!

Anonymous said...

I think if we start our days recalling the greatness of God, we will help ourselves greatly.