Sunday, November 24, 2019

Turning points

Last week I was asked to speak at our church Women's Meeting.  (What echoes of the past when such meetings were packed and obligatory engagements in my diary).  It gave me opportunity to consider a new theme (new to me anyway) about the turning points in our lives.  When things didn't happen as we hoped they would only for other things to happen that couldn't have happened without the first things not happening.  If you know what I mean!

I took that extraordinary verse Rom. 8:38 - We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  And it is extraordinary..the conviction 'we know' that speaks of faith tested by experience and authenticated by the Holy Spirit. And the claim that for those who love God turning points in our lives are ultimately positive.

At the meeting I indulged somewhat in a flashback to 1966-67!  I was in my last year at college for a  Geography degree.  Like many leaving students I was keen to do something worthwhile.  I heard about an organization called East Asian Christian Colleges Association.  Apparently, they placed a few new graduate students in universities in E. Asia where they could teach their subject.  I was interviewed and offered a place at Serampore College in India for two years.  This was doubly thrilling. Serampore College was founded by the great Baptist missionary William Carey (and two co-workers) in 1818.  It is the second oldest university in India with an amazing track record of providing leadership.  This appointment also gave me opportunity to develop my academic interest in physical geography and form a basis for research and who knows what in the future!

In those days going to India was unusual.  Only people like the Beatles went....and missionaries!  The thought of these two years thrilled me.  When people asked me what I was going to do I confess I was fairly impressed with myself when I told them.  It seemed a golden opportunity.

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