Friday, January 3, 2025

And us, right now

And the second question: Is the Jesus way working with us in his local church today? In the real world now, with its secular headlines squeezing God out of the picture, how effectively is God changing us within our neighbourhoods?  How evident are those qualities of the quiet Kingdom of God (growing like a mustard seed) power of kindness, building trust in a positive environment, setting clear expectations, humble, slowing down to listen more deeply and appreciate others more? 

We who believe that God changes the world in Jesus, who have experienced his gift of love and belonging should be shaped and growing into a group of people seeking to live out Jesus’ different way together. That all the glorious promises of Christmas moving towards the crowning point on the cross where Jesus, Son of God, gives himself utterly on the cross, truly mean new creation. Right here in my local church. .We belong to Jesus’ kingdom, a new way of living and being. In the real world of unanswered whys, of suffering and unkindness, Jesus' way is working.

I know this sets a high bar. I remember preaching once in my Cambridge church about how we are to be a people whose different Christly way of living, behaving and relating is obvious by the way we treat each other. At the end of the service I met this severe looking lady who was clearly angry. She rounded on me that she had come the previous Sunday, having just moved to the city, but at coffee time after the service had been totally ignored, even though she was obviously alone. (Honestly, I did feel looking at her face that I could understand people passing by!) But the truth is that we so often fail at being the best welcomers and friends for Jesus' sake.  And to finish this story she did become one of the very best hospitality givers in the church family! Really.

To help in the business of not failing, one of the pictures of Jesus that means so much to me is the awesome truth that in power, he is praying for me/us right now. He is interceding. Jesus always lives to intercede for believers (Heb 7:25) As the Message puts it Jesus is always on the job ready to  speak up for us.  Rom 8:34 Jesus at the righthand of God and is also interceding for us. Again, the Message: Jesus is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. It doesn’t seem possible, partly because of the sheer complexity of how Jesus could possibly interact with billions of people. I cannot begin to understand Ai and all its amassing of information. Yet that's artificial intelligence.  What about divine intelligence?  But, mostly, it doesn't seem possible because I really don’t deserve Jesus praying for me, ready to speak up for me, sticking up for me, when I’m not very good at praying with him. Yet, he promises in his grace to keep doing it. Remembering that this claim is spiritual reality profoundly strengthens me. Jesus is helping me to work with him in my local church. Wow.

Oh, as I finish, an endnote about this business of how much Jesus counts in the real world. Google Herod the Great (though I hope he's not the main person on your mind) and you will see the record stands. Herod the Great, born 73 BC. Now that's some date!    


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