Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Go to the top

My brother's funeral is not until February 7th and his family remain very much in my mind. I've been taken to deep places. Meanwhile I am marooned in the mundanity of everyday life. Carol remains far from well and our washing machine failed, full of soaking clothes.  Domestic mishaps seem to ambush us at awkward moments.  To complicate matters I ordered a new machine which, when delivered, turned out to be utterly wrong. I needed a free standing machine, not an integrated one. Our utility room seemed to me to have an integrated section into which it fitted snugly, but not so. Yet another practical mistake to add to my life story. 

I was told the store would contact me that afternoon and reorganize a right delivery.  However, no contact was made and my own phone attempts proved fruitless. At this moment one of the younger members of our church arrived.  Spontaneously, and therefore completely unexpected, she brought us home-cooked shepherd's pies.  As the meal preparer I welcomed her with open arms! Seeing the pile of washing and my frustration with the store, she told me I should go to the top. 'Go to the top is the best idea', she advised. 'Whoever heads up the organization will always help'. 

Not content with giving advice she then shouldered a big bag of dirty washing and promised to bring it back clean the next day.  That next day I found another appropriate machine, rang the help line with much more success and was told the new machine would arrive this Monday. Happily it all worked smoothly this time and I started the first wash of three needed to get up-to-date.  Two hours later my phone rang. I couldn't believe it. It was from the store's director's office. Apparently my 'Go to the top' friend had gone to the top on my behalf! He expressed great concern about whether the new machine was working and promised a letter furnishing direct contact details so that I could immediately go to the top if I encountered future problems. 

Out of mundanity this experience taught me three things. First, the incredible kindness of fellow believers, especially this lady. Christian goodness in action (and actually from someone who is not very well herself).  Second, taking the advice go to the top with such success on my behalf. It takes some nerve and belief that someone in the organization will respond. Third, most important, is the example this provides not only how exercising practical love for one another makes a difference, but also how prayer which dares to shut the door and pray to our heavenly Father who hears us, goes to the top with the most consequential outcomes of all.   

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