Saturday, November 23, 2013

Changing Life (3)

Last night saw my last teaching class at Northern Seminary. I could hardly believe it1 14 years on - tens of students - and then, bang, finish!  Class began at 7:00 pm with the final two students scheduled to preach in the prayer chapel.  Carol brought some chocolate cake and fruit for a brief send-off after preaching was completed.  Imagine our surprise when at 6:15 pm students began arriving with armfuls of food for a secret meal they had planned.  One, an Indian pastor, prepared a large tray of vivid (and delicious) tandoori chicken.  Others brought in salad, rice, cakes, fruit and sodas.  Before long the table was groaning with goodies.

When the two students finished, (one who was preaching on 1 Cor 11. led us in a communion service),  we all walked down the hall to where the food was prepared and shared a glorious, impromptu, generous, moving time together for nearly an hour.  They had signed a card, and asked us questions, and the crowning moment was when they all gathered around us to pray for our future.  Several students prayed with such engagement and feeling.  Both Carol and I floated home on a tide of love and care.

Over the next weeks there is much grading of papers so I have somewhat come down to earth today with several hours spent at my laptop. But such spontaneous moments of kindness will remain in our thankful memories for a long time.  Thank you, dear students of Course MN383(Fall 2013)!

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