Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Needing help (2)

Secondly, I would really value insights about leadership in Baptist churches.  I realize that many readers do not have a Baptist background and will happily switch off.  But for any who do have experiences, please share your ideas and stories. 
In early March I am addressing a conference of Baptist ministers in SW England.  The title is 'Herding Cats: Issues in Baptist leadership'.   The title immediately suggests that certain issues/problems may especially occur because of Baptist congregational polity!  Does the way that Baptists organize their life together complicate leadership in any way?  Sometimes congregations seem so full of independent folk that 'herding cats' is not too far off reality!  Are there particular issues that Baptist leaders need to aware about?
However, I also believe that there are some very positive aspects for leaders in the Baptist context. In many ways we are privileged because our theology of the gathered church gives major responsibility to communities which are able to move in God's will strategically in their own neighbourhoods.
There is much to think about over these next four weeks - I shall be grateful for input and shall keep you posted.

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