Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Temptation - out of fashion?

I asked one of Sunday's worship leaders whether the theme of"facing "temptation" emerges much in contemporary song writing. I mentioned that when I was young (!) there were some old fashioned hymns like: "Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin" ! I questioned: " Do you think this theme is out of fashion?"

He bounced back: " I can't think of any worship songs in my library that address temptation as explicitly as this hymn. That said, modern worship tunes are less verbose and don't develop themes as comprehensively as hymns. In any case, I'm happy to hear that you are addressing temptation. While the topic may be out of fashion in today's music, it is as relevant as ever in our oversexed, materialistic, instant gratification culture."

Anybody out there aware of appropriate contemporary worship material for 1 Cor 10:13?


Anonymous said...

How about Strong Tower by the Newsboys.

Anonymous said...

It's probably not a great song for congregational singing, but Casting Crowns has a really pointed song on their most recent album called "Slow Fade" that goes back to the "be careful little eyes/ears what you see/hear" that some of us learned years ago in Sunday school.

Anonymous said...

oh - I did find the website linked below, it had some additional verses on the well-known (at least to me) tune "Sanctuary" that I hadn't seen before...

I'm just sad I'll be missing this sermon...out of town for the weekend! Blessings as you continue your preparations...

MichaelQuicke said...

I received this from my colleague Karen Roberts, who teaches worship at Northern Seminary:

A couple of song ideas that come to is probably too late for Sunday but they may be helpful.
"God Will Make a Way" by Don Moen, Integrity Music; "He's Been
Faithful" by Carol Cymbal--more of a solo piece, published by Word;
"What a Friend We Have in Jesus--new very nice version by Kathryn Scott who is a young singer
from Ireland-has an additional newyl composed refrain. I am using it this week with my contemporary team and my high school and college age singers loved it.
Another hymn is "I Need Thee Every Hour."

robert said...

That those familiar with contemporary music have to resort to songs that probably work better as concert pieces than as congregational hymns points to another reason why our traditional hymnody must not be abandoned. In addition to Horatio Palmer's song, Watts, Wesley, and others wrote many powerful hymns about temptation to sin.