Saturday, April 4, 2020

Celebrating the present moment

Few of us are finding life easy and I know it can be irritating to hear spiritual good words thrown at us.  But I was struck today by some words by Michel Quoist.
Throughout the course of your daily life make use of the opportunities offered you to take a new hold on yourself and to welcome God into your life while you're waiting.....Don't kill time; no matter how short (or long it is) it can be a moment of grace. The Lord is there and he is inviting you to reflection and decision so that you can become a human being in the fullest sense.
And I like this little prayer:

          May I accept this day at your hand, O God,
          as a gift to be treasured,
          a life to be enjoyed,
          a trust to be kept,
          and a hope to be fulfilled; 
          and all for your glory.  Amen. 

All days are God's gifts, even in lock down, aren't they?

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