Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Preserve us

Sometimes a written prayer can really hit the spot.  This one did today for me (apart from 'walking in the world'!) It's by William Barclay.

O God, our Father, to whom the issues of life and death belong, preserve us from all ills.
Preserve us in health of body, that we may be able to earn a living for ourselves and for those whom we love.
Preserve us in soundness of mind, that all our judgements and decisions may be sane and wise.
Preserve us in purity of life, that we may conquer all temptation and ever do the right, that we may walk through the world and yet keep our garments unspotted from the world.
And if illness, misfortune, sorrow come to us, preserve us in courage, in endurance, and in serenity of faith, that, in all the changes and the chances of life, we may still face life with steady eyes, because we face life with you.
This we ask for your love's sake. Amen. 

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